The Phuket Butterfly Garden
Update 31st March 2015 - Sad to report that the Phuket Butterfly Garden has now closed. Seems that the visitor numbers were not high enough. Back in "the old days" there were a lot less things for tourists in Phuket to do, but now there is a lot of competition for tourist's time!
Here's the old blog post anyway ... We've been to the Phuket Butterfly Garden a few times, it's only a couple of miles from our house and keeps the kids entertained in an educational way. I have blogged about it before a couple of years ago, but I knew that the place had expanded, and indeed is still expanding, currently adding a section all about the life cycle of the silk worm/moth (educational, and with the added bonus of being able to sell silk souvenirs in the gift shop!). A perfect mornings entertainment for the family - we went again on a grey October day after some noodles at a nearby restaurant. Was not really a beach day, or a day for outdoor exploration, and who doesn't love butterflies?
Mum and Dad were visiting from the UK, and were armed with cameras. I wanted to get some new butterfly pictures, and my daughter brought her camera too. I think Mum and Dad could have stayed all day! Entrance is still 300 Baht for adults. There is a lower entry fee for locals, which I qualify for too. If you want to see lots and lots of butterflies, this is the place to come. There are also large numbers of insects and other creepie crawlies and lots of educational displays. When you enter, you pass through the insectarium first. And then through a door made of hanging chains into the butterfly garden. Umbrellas are provided in case the weather is not perfect. Despite the grey skies during our visit, there was no rain.

We all wandered our separate paths around the garden. Many photos were taken. My first proper camera was a hand-me-down from my Dad who was always a keen photographer. My parents never go anywhere without cameras! And the Phuket Butterfly Garden is a photographers paradise. Although butterflies are hard to catch... some sit still longer than others.. some just don't stop moving.

Don't get the idea that the air is thick with flitting wings, but there are a lot of butterflies of all different colours. Mostly they flit and flut and land on flowers.. sometimes they find other places to land...

Our son couldn't get one to land on his head. Not for want of trying. He decided the best place to wait patiently was next to the butterfly feeding station where bits of fruit are placed for fruit loving butterflies...

We had an enjoyable hour or so, about half of which I spent trying to get a photo of one particular butterfly which seemed flittier and fluttier than the rest, no fancy colours, just black and white, but always on the move. Finally got it. Mum was after the same one.. in fact there were 2 the same. My favourite butterfly...

Phuket Butterfly Garden - Location Map
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Related pages:
• Phuket Botanic Garden
• Phuket Butterfly Release (July 2010)
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