Early Morning at Chalong Temple
Chalong temple is the largest temple in Phuket and I happen to pass by regularly in the morning (and evening) depending what route I take to work. The early morning light makes temples shine, and the early morning means not too many day visitors have arrived at the temple yet. Chalong Temple does get a lot of visitors! For more about the temple with lots of photos - see here: Chalong Temple (Wat Chalong).
One morning recently I stopped on the way to work to enjoy the temple in the morning light. There were already a large group of Thai tourists there at 8am, but they were watching a dance routine that had been put on for them, so I got the temple grounds more or less to myself and enjoyed wandering around in the sunshine. Hope you enjoy the photos, and hope that if you visit Phuket that you remember to visit a temple - it's not just beaches, you know! Some of the Buddhist temples get plenty of visitors, some of the small ones are very quiet. You can find many more Phuket Buddhist Temples on this blog.
Wat Chalong - Early Morning Photos

(above) Quiet temple grounds at Wat Chalong

(above) Temple Cat in Temple Window

(above) Buddha Statue

(above) Oh Hai! Temple Cat Says Hello

(above) Reflection of Chalong Temple in a Lotus Pond

(above) Chalong Temple in Early Morning Light
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