Hotel Recommendations: Sarojin (Khao Lak)
What do you mean, recommended hotel in Khao Lak? I thought this was a Phuket Blog? Well, yes, but Khao Lak is only 100km from here, and in fact the distance from Phuket International Airport to Khao Lak is not a lot further than down to the main beaches in Phuket, since the airport is in the north of the island.
I've never really spent any time in Khao Lak, even though it's only a 2 hour drive. No reason to go there to see hotels, restaurants etc...Last time I drove through was in April and I could see things were looking much better after the tsunami. Khao Lak was hit way worse than Phuket. Much worse. It's a bit of a struggle for those with businesses there to encourage visitors back. I think everyone knows that Phuket is all back to normal, and has been for a while now, but Khao Lak? Well, let me tell you - beaches are lovely and quieter than the main beaches of Phuket. There's no road right by the beach, no tuk tuks, it's a real get away. Only thing is, there's not much to do, especially if it's raining. It's the beach or nothing!
So, why talk about a hotel in Khao Lak? Well, I was watching the BBC last night, a travel program called Fast Track, and they talked to the owner of The Sarojin, which is a boutique hotel right on the beach and looks gorgeous. The owner explained how they were due to open on December 24th 2004. Things were not quite ready, so they postponed until January 10th. Then, things were taken out of their hands by the tsunami. They decided to rebuild and finally opened in October 2005. I liked the fact that they kept all their staff during this 10 month period, despite having no guests to look after. It seems the owners and staff all pitched in to help the rebuilding and I got the impression it was a labour of love. So that's why the Sarojin is on this blog!
The Sarojin - Booking and Reviews
• The Sarojin Rates and Reservations at
• The Sarojin - Guest Reviews
• Khao Lak Hotels at
The Sarojin - Photos

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