Up Radar Hill Again
This post is from 2006, there is a newer post from 2010 here : Radar Hill - The Highest Road in Phuket.
Sunday was such a great sunny day, I felt the need for some fresh air having been cooped up in an office all week with grey skies and rain for company. Best place to get the wind in your hair is the hills. So we took a drive up Radar Hill again in the sunshine. Phuket is very green at this time of year, and heading up the hill you are in the trees. We stopped the car to listen to the sounds of the jungle and to watch a snake wind across the road - a pretty big one, bright green with a brown tail - wife said very poisonous. From doing a bit of research I think it was a white lipped pit viper, rather dangerous indeed! We have had small snakes in our garden before. I would not like to find one of these. It must have been a meter long with great big teeth...
The views from the hill were fab under blue skies and with the greenery shining after all the rain we've had lately. From up here you can see over Patong Bay, over Chalong Bay and also Bang Wad Reservoir. (See location on this newer blog post) And the air is clear and fresh, perfect for clearing out your lungs. Get up a mountain today!

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