On the subject of blogs. This one got noticed too and he has published books. Makes me hungry. Such delicacies are hard to find in Thailand. Beans are OK. I have found some good tinned beans made in Malaysia. Eggs, no worries. Bacon, easy enough to find..but it's the chips, oh the chips, that maketh the man. I mean chips, not "fries". The eggbaconchipsandbeans blog below is worth salivating over, and I love his comments such as:
"the chips are pale, interesting and sprawling over the beans, the bacon has that irresistible combination of soggy and crisp, the egg offers a multitude of heavenly textures, the beans are breaking out of their compound like feisty stallions."
• eggbaconchipsandbeans
Want good egg, bacon, chips and beans? Better get to the UK...
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